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Working in environment with many servers requires to know Computer System Information such as: Total Physical Memory Size on each server, Number of CPUs, Number of logical CPUs, Boot-up state, etc....
Very often working with lots of servers in the network we would like to collect network card(s) properties of all servers on the network in an easy way. Here is where PowerShell steps forward to...
How To Get Windows Operating System Details Using PowerShell
Working in a multiserver environment demands very often to have an easy and fast method to collect information about the servers’ hardware or software, particularly Windows OS (Operating...
Working in a multiserver environment demands very often to have an easy and fast method to collect information about the servers’ hardware, particularly RAM Memory...
To search the Windows Event Logs using PowerShell you can use the following PowerShell CmdLets and WMI class: Get-WinEvent Get-EventLog Win32_NTEventlogFile class [Legacy] Get Windows Event...
Some PowerShell CmdLets have as parameter ScriptBlock and as such expects ScriptBlock data type for this parameter. Let me illustrate that with one example. Invoke-Command CmdLet has ScriptBlock...